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October 18, 2012

Featured Artist: Glass

Glass is the solo project of a UK based electronic musician/producer.  The man behind Glass is Michael Bradley and he describes the sound as "heavy melody".  A mixture of influences can be heard including symphonic rock, Nine Inch Nails, UK legends David Bowie and The Beatles, as well as his extensive classical roots yet Glass retains an original flavor all it's own.

Emotion drives the music of Glass.  The melodies traverse between moving, upbeat, melancholy, angry, mysterious, and all that falls in between while being backed by mechanical and organic rhythms.  Bradley's lyrics are intelligent, personal, and catchy performed soulfully by Bradley himself displaying an impressive vocal range.  The whole of Glass's sound comes together to create a rich blend of production, performance, and songwriting.  Evolution and experimentation is a key element of Glass with each album sounding unique unto itself and varied within yet the body of work feels cohesive.  Each release is just as strong as the last.

The next album release, Introvert, is slated for December 2012 and we at EMG are beyond excited to hear the next iteration of Glass.  Michael Bradley joined us on EMG Radio for a great interview recently where he details his musical past, current interests, and more.  He was kind enough to share some unreleased demo and b-side tracks from the upcoming album as well as provide free downloads of the tracks for EMG listeners and visitors.  Check out the interview and grab the tracks here.

You can listen and download all of Glass's excellent albums at http://glass.bandcamp.com/ and check out more miscellaneous Michael Bradley tracks at http://soundcloud.com/xeniast.  For updates on Glass and other info hit up Glass on Facebook.