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September 19, 2012

EMG Radio #10: Talk Onslaught, Part 2

This week on EMG Radio we present the 2nd of a two-part epic interview with Onslaught Six.  In this installment Onslaught Six discusses butting heads in the EMG group, dolphins on crack, a fictional John Carpenter film, and more of what makes him tick.  Enjoy!

DISCLAIMER: In the spirit of transparency and allowing the interviewees their voice and say free of censorship, we present all topics and terminology as presented to us.  This episode may contain offensive material.  The views and opinions expressed by Onslaught Six do not reflect the views and opinions of EMG Radio.  You have been warned.

--------Show Notes--------
Music Featured by Onslaught Six:

All music featured on this podcast is property of it's respective owner/owners and is subject to applicable copyright and/or licensing. Music appears on EMG Radio with permission from the owner/owners.